WeChat Search Toolbar & Tag Helper

The former allows users to filter search results based on media type and curates a personalized search experience. The latter automatically generates optional tags that summarize the results of short queries,

My first task at WeChat as product manager was to conduct a generative study on user churn causes. I concluded that many users, particularly the undereducated and elderly, were overwhelmed by the variety of content types and fragmentation in search results, preventing them from gaining efficient and accurate access to information. To address this issue, I proposed and built the WeChat Search Toolbar and Tag Helper with my team.

Search Toolbar

This allows users to filter search results based on media type and curates a personalized search experience by providing suggestion labels such as “Your Friends Read” and “By Your Favorite Author.”

Tag Helper

This automatically generates optional tags that summarize the results of short queries, introducing higher information richness to improve search efficiency. Tags such as “yoga pants” or “20-minute yoga lessons,” for example, will appear underneath the search bar in response to a simple query input of “yoga”.

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Download the App and try it out!.